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Other Software



Tomados de la Mano - CD I, CD-Rom Program

(Hand in Hand, Hispanic Folk Tales)

Item#: 900091
This beautifully told and illustrated CD tells three intriguing folktales from Spanish-speaking countries - The Laughing Skull, The Four Brothers' Adventure, and How Birds Got Bright Feathers. Colo...
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Usually ships within 1-2 business days


Tomados de la Mano - CD II, CD-Rom Program

(Hand in Hand, Hispanic Folk Tales)

Item#: 900092
This beautifully told and illustrated CD tells three delightful folktales from Spanish-speaking countries - The Singing Sack, Juan Bobo and the Three-Legged Pot, and The Singing Toad. Colorful gra...
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Usually ships within 1-2 business days


Sueno Sordo Hispano-Americano CD-Rom Program

(The Deaf Hispanic-American Dream)

Item#: 900093
This unique CD gives you a glimpse into the history of Deaf Hispanic Americans, profiles eight famous Deaf Hispanic Americans, and shares two deeply personal and often hysterical stories by Mark Mo...
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Usually ships within 1-2 business days


Somos Muy Fiesteros CD-Rom Program

(We Like a Good Celebration!)

Item#: 900094
Immerse yourself in the wonders of Mexican traditions and holidays. This CD contains fascinating explanations of seven Mexican holidays and traditions. Colorful graphics and video clips from Nation...
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Usually ships within 1-2 business days


Spell Well - An A.S.L. Game -CDRom

More than 2500 signs

Item#: 981995
Spell Well, an intriguing CD-ROM, challenges your knowledge of sign language and spelling and has 20 colorful gameboards, each focusing on vocabulary covering different topics, such as School, Home...
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Usually ships within 1-2 business days


Basic Computer Skills- Part II -CDRom

Item#: 920002
Basic Computer Skills Part II teaches basic computer and Internet skills. Builds on basic computer skills that users should already have, plus mouse and keyboard familiarity. Requires printer and I...
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Temporarily out of stock

Claro Oska WordBanks- Software

Claro Oska WordBanks- Software

Introduces kids to word processing/writing on a PC

Item#: 800672
Oska WordBanks provide a useful technique for introducing students to word processing and writing using a computer. Children generally learn to recognize words before they can construct and spell t...
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Usually ships within 7 business days

Claro Oska On-Screen Virtual Keyboard- Software

Claro Oska On-Screen Virtual Keyboard- Software

Alternative to traditional keyboard and mouse

Item#: 800675
Claro Oska (On-Screen Keyboard Application) has been developed to enhance the use of touch technology and alternative PC input methods. It offers an alternative to the traditional keyboard and mous...
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Usually ships within 7 business days

Claro One SwitchMouse- Software

Claro One SwitchMouse- Software

Control the mouse pointer with a single switch

Item#: 800663
Claro One SwitchMouse Software enables a user to control the mouse pointer using a single switch. This technique is particularly suited to users who have good fine motor control and cognitive abili...
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Usually ships within 7 business days

eClipseMedia- Server PC Software

eClipseMedia- Server PC Software

Turn your PC into an accessible home theater

Item#: EMEDIA-01
This eClipseMedia-Server PC Software kit from IRTI (Innovation Rehabilitation Technology, Inc.) is everything you need to convert your PC into an accessible Home Theater Entertainment Center. So...
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Usually ships within 1-2 business days

Braille Translator for Windows - Software

Braille Translator for Windows - Software

Format Accurate Contracted Braille How You Want It

Item#: 24115
Duxbury Braille Translator for Windows (Version DBT 12.4 SR4): - Industry leading software - True Windows software (including Windows Vista and Windows 7), supports all commercial braille embos...
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Usually ships within 1-2 business days

PC Interface Kit for TADI

PC Interface Kit for TADI

Item#: 307243
PC Interface Kit for TADI. Only compitable with Outlook 2000...
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Usually ships within 1-2 business days